I clambered over the fence, and over the second fence, and I landed heavily but upright on someone's lawn. In front of me a hole in the ground spewed forth great thick cords of smoke that twisted in the wind as they rose. I looked at the house, pebble-dashed and smug, that sat at the top of the lawn staring down at me with its double-glazed eyes, and knew I would find no aid there. The sounds of the hunt were getting nearer, and I knew that I had nowhere to run. There was only one option, and it presumably ended in a fiery death - but this would be preferable to being caught by the hunt, and some deep instinct told me that this strange hole-in-the-ground had been put here for a reason, by an agent, natural or supernatural, who wanted me to escape.
And so I took a deep breath, thought of my wife, and jumped feet-first into the pit. The smoke enveloped me and stung my eyes, and I fell.
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