It's been a while since I glanced in the direction of any of my blogs. I realised I now have three, each ostensibly for a quite specific purpose. I decided that instead of create a new blog every time I want to publish something of a slightly different type, I might as well merge the three into one blog, and update it as I see fit with whatever happens to be in my head at the time. So behold as, like characters in a weird Japanese cartoon, my three blogs merge together into a mighty super-blog.
In 2010 you'll find attempts at literary criticism, formerly known as All Wound Up. In 2011 are a few pop-cultural musings, formerly called Gaps in the Road. And in January and February of 2012 is a text-and-photograph journal lasting about four weeks, called A Map of the Borderlands (this is the name I chose for the super-blog, because it's the coolest name).
As for the future, expect further half-organised thoughts on books, films, computer games and music, and perhaps the odd piece of fiction or unclassifiable rambling text.
I'll aim for an entry a week and see how it goes. Welcome to the borderlands.
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